viernes, 12 de agosto de 2011

About Me

Hi everybody !!! My name is Nicolás Portillo, I'm 17 years old and I live in Las Piedras, Canelones, Uruguay.
I'm student at the High School 3 and I'm in grade 6, I'm studing Engineering, and I will go to the University of "Bellas Artes" (nothing to do, haha !!).
I live with my family, I have two brothers (one little girl and one boy), two fathers (one man and one woman, must be specified nowadays, haha !!), three pets (cats), and the most important, my lovely, beautifull, and funny (sometimes grumpy, haha !) GIRLFRIEND !! Natalia (I ♥ you honey). Others people that I could be included in this list are my best friends (Fede and Roger are so funny, haha, I like laugh with them) they are like brothers for me.
I like draw anime/manga, play sports like handball and volleyball (but now I don't practice anything). I love read manga and watch anime, and my pasion is draw this things (another tingh too). Other things that I like are watch glee (glee project too), be on facebook (a lot of time) and study !!... haha !! no, no, I'm kidding, I don't like so much study.

Some of my drawings:

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